Spirit-Led Recovery From Addiction

Internet addiction
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Internet Addiction

Well, we all remember the day that we got Internet service for the first time. A whole new world opened up to us and for weeks on end, we surfed every nook and cranny of the World Wide Web. We discovered email, chatting, games, programs for our computer, information sites, news sites, and unfortunately we also discovered the not so good things about the Internet, like pornography, perversion, gambling, and the sexual infidelity that flourishes on there. We learned that just about everything you want to know or see, and everything you don’t want to know or see, is on the Internet. Then for most of us, our interest in the Internet kind of waned, and our time on the computer became less and less, and a little more normal. We came back to our senses and resumed our regular life again, hoping that not too much damage was done. We actually got some sleep and had a meal away from the computer for once, and we realized we still had a family and job (hopefully) to take care of. But for some others, their normal local life came to an abrupt end, and it stayed that way, and they began to exist only in cyberspace. The human host behind the computer did have to be recharged somewhat, but only enough to get back online. Like the movie the Matrix, our body just provided energy for us to exist in a virtual world. Some people have lost everything (jobs, marriage, children, family, friends, or fellowship) just so they can exist in an electronic world, and escape their local physical responsibilities. Here are some of the basic symptoms of Internet addiction. Usually if you are addicted, you usually know them already, but it helps to see the symptoms anyway, just to dispel any doubts.

1) Using the computer most of your off hours of a day. Never having offline time, or days offline.
2) Loosing track of all time after making a connection. Staying up all night without sleep just to stay online.
3) Going out of the house less and less, and living like a hermit just to stay online.
4) Spending less and less time on meals at home or at work, and always eating in front of the monitor.
5) Denying that you are spending too much time on the Net when you are on it all the time. 6) Others complaining of your spending too much time on the Internet.
7) Checking your email box countless times a day.
8) You think you have found the greatest web site in the whole world, and you are always trying to give everyone that web sites address.
9) Logging onto the Net while already busy at work.
10) Sneaking online when your spouse or family members are not at home, or in bed, with a sense of relief (like the relief an addict gets from getting their fix).

These are just some of the major symptoms, but I'm sure you could add a few more. If you have ever had your spouse, children, or co-worker walk in, or get up late at night and catch you on the computer either viewing something you shouldn't be, or chatting with someone you shouldn't be, then you know that adrenaline rush you get when you try to hurry up and clear the monitor screen before they see what you are viewing. Many people get addicted to chatting and pornography. Many divorces have occurred because of an online affair being discovered, or pornography that keeps popping up just a little bit too much on our computer, email, or our family credit cards. Finally our mate sais, "that's enough" and packs their bags and leaves. Like a fire starting in a wastebasket somewhere, Internet addiction can start off small but then can quickly grow and consume our whole lives. Too much Internet time is unhealthy for your body, family, relationships, and career, so we must lasso this wild horse and break him to make it a tool, rather than an idol.

The lie of Internet addiction is; "I can find my life's fulfillment and happiness through my computer by being online. If I am not online, I am not happy or fulfilled in life". The truth is, the Internet can be used responsibly for information, communication, and entertainment, but we must find our daily life's fulfillment through God, and through the other healthy avenues that He has created. There must be a healthy balance between our virtual reality world, and our actual reality world. God created us to fellowship and interact with real physically present local people, and to have normal daily responsibilities to the other humans around us. When those normal responsibilities are being ignored or neglected, we run into problems like any other addict would. Your life becomes "unmanageable" when you devote too much time to any one thing, and not enough time to the others.

We need to fill up on God every day so that we do not feel so emotionally and spiritually needy all the time, and wanting to always run to the Internet for a pleasure fix. You can't put garbage or water in the gas tank of your car, or run it dry, and expect it to keep running right for you. Your life won't run right for you either unless you fill up the gas tank of your soul and spirit every day with the proper fuel, namely God. When we pray, worship, and read our bibles every day, we are filling our spiritual gas tank up with God's premium fuel, and when you do, there will not be so much of a need anymore to look for spiritual fuel from other inferior, spiritually illegal sources. Let God give you balance in your Internet life, and learn to fill up with the right thing to avoid Internet addiction relapse. Remember you can make your computer a sewage pipe from Hell that distracts and defiles your heart and home, or you can make it a gateway to Heaven that blesses you and enriches you life, the choice is yours.

Here is a prayer to pray if you need it.

"Dear God, I ask your forgiveness for making an idol out of my computer and the Internet, and for looking to it, rather than you, to meet my life's fulfillment needs. I repent right now God of misusing this wonderful tool you have allowed us humans to have and enjoy, and I make a commitment this day to only use my computer for healthy purposes from now on. Holy Spirit, I ask that you would speak to me, and tell me how to change my unhealthy Internet habits into a more balanced and healthy Internet lifestyle. I surrender my Internet life to you this day Lord, and I thank you for helping me to come into obedience to you in this area of my life this day. In Jesus name I pray, amen."

Some scriptures to help you.

1CO 10:23 "Everything is permissible"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"--but not everything is constructive. 24 Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.

GAL 5:19 The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

COL 3:5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.

