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Taking Off Your Porn Colored Glasses
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Taking Off Your Porn Colored Glasses
by Lonnie Mackley
MT 5:28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at  a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 
   If you have viewed porn for any length of time and you have to go out in public and look at people or things it is like wearing porn colored glasses where instead of having a porn filter that filters porn out, you have a porn filter in your mind that is trying to turn everything you see into a possible sexual fix. This may seem like fun, but we can emit lust toward people and they can feel it. You could even be in church and start seeing someone in front of you trying to cover up more because your eyes are scanning their body and they can feel it. That's one of the problems with porn is once a picture is in your head you can't get it back out, and those pictures can pop up at some very inappropriate and embarrassing times.
JOB 31:1 I made a  covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl.
JN 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will  set you free.
   So how do you take off your porn glasses and start seeing things in a more normal way? Well there are a few things that you can do that will help and I will just list them below:
1. See people and things as God's creation, rather than as a possible sexual treat. God designed and engineered the human body and although people pervert that here it is still the truth. The human body is really just a physical mobile home for your spirit while you are here on earth, and most of the people that we lust after are not seeking sex in any form, they just want to live and have a good life. Most people do not think as a porn addict does. 
2. Make a covenant or agreement with yourself to tell yourself the truth when the lie of porn tries to take over. That will mean stopping yourself and telling yourself the truth when that porn-ad suddenly pops up on our computer, when we are watching TV, when laying in bed thinking about things, or when someone is flirting with us. We were created to have sex with and only see one person sexually as an adult; that's our spouse and our spouse only. 
1CO 6:9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders  (If we don't enter God's kingdom, we automatically go to hell)
   3. Think about your future life-judgment and having to face God. I remember one time almost drowning in a river rafting accident and underneath the logs while I was trapped and running out of air all I could think about was my porn addiction and that I was not ready to meet God yet. Luckily I survived it. We never know when our number is up so get things worked out here now. It's your soul and you alone will be responsible for it. Every so-called porn "actress/actor" will see their performance on a big screen in heaven along with all the people that viewed their pictures. Do you really want to be part of their judgment? I don't. 
   When you stop lusting, viewing porn, and masturbating; and start meeting your sexual needs in healthy and spiritually legal ways, the power of porn and lust weakens and instead of it controlling you, you will control it and also your sexual life. Porn seems fun, but it can easily ruin a marriage because a spouse can tell when their mate has been doing sexual things without them. It's no wonder that drugs like Viagra have become so popular because people are spoiling their minds with porn and can't function that well anymore. Sex was just a tool designed by God for a husband and a wife to have pleasure, intimacy, and to create children; nothing more. God sanctifies or purifies our hearts and minds with His truth the bible, so replace the lie of porn with His truth. Just because everyone else makes an idol out of sex doesn't mean you have to. In the end we will all be asked by God whether we lived by His truth or not, so let Him help you to take off your porn colored glasses today.
JN 17:17  Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.