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Profanity-The Language Of Control
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Profanity-The Language Of Control
MT 26:74 Then he began to call down curses on himself and he swore to them, "I don't know the man!"
   Have you ever wanted to stop using profanity, but when something bad happened it just flooded out of your mouth anyway? Well, there are different reasons why we use profanity, and when we understand the root of what drives profanity it becomes easier to stop resorting to it in a jam. Below are a few typical reasons why we use profanity, cursing, and swearing:
1. To feel a sense of control over things. When we encounter a threat or problem that we are facing, many times we believe that abusive or aggressive speech will greatly enhance our ability to control that threat or problem.  (i.e. "Come on, you ______ thing!") We can also try to control people through abusive, critical, condemning, aggressive, or domineering speech.
2. To protect ourselves. When we feel threatened by someone or something we use harsh coarse speech in order to intimidate and dominate things in hopes that the attack will stop. Profanity is just verbal violence in place of fists. If someone backs down after we've verbally retaliated, then in our mind we have just successfully protected ourselves with our mouth.
3. To punish, avenge, or take revenge. If we feel that someone has done us wrong, calling them names, exposing or recalling their faults or failures, running them and those they love down, or flipping them off can make us feel like we "got them back" for hurting us first. We usually learn this as kids. We are afraid that if we say nothing, they will just hurt us again.
4. To keep our heart hard and aggressive. If we have been carrying around a lot of emotional pain then we can purposely try to keep our heart hard and closed up by using harsh abusive speech all the time. By doing this we think that we can avoid our old pain and keep others from seeing or addressing it. Hurting people speak hurtfully, in order to protect themselves.
5. Evil spirits try to get us to misuse God's names.  Profanity is always progressive, and in the end we end up misusing the names of God and Jesus in some form. Evil spirits want us to do this so that we get ourselves into trouble with God by misusing His names. Have you ever wondered why people use God, Jesus, and Hell to swear with? Because they're all real.
MT 12:36 But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. 37 For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."
   Everything that we say, do, and think are being recorded right now, and someday we will have to give an account for every bit of it. I don't know about you, but there are a lot of things that I have said here on earth that I don't want to have to hear again in front of God. The way that we erase all profanity from our life-review movie is to let God help us to change now.
2TH 3:3 But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.
   The bottom line is that we use profanity to feel more in control of our lives, and over other people's lives. When we resort to trying to control life with harsh speech it shows everyone around us that we only trust in ourselves and in our mouth, not in God. If people see that God is not in control of your life then they will not trust you. People trust God "through" us.
RO 12:19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.
   People that fully trust in God's ability to control, protect, punish, and heal them do not feel threatened by "not retaliating" through abusive, aggressive, or domineering speech. It may give you more of a sense of power and control over your life to use profanity, but it actually just does the opposite by destroying people's trust, sense of safety, and respect for you.
EX 20:7 "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
   Like I said above, profanity is always progressive and will eventually lead and escalate to misusing God's names. It can bring real demonic curses upon yourself and others, and it can send you to Hell in the end if it's not stopped. The one who pays the price for profanity is you and those your mouth hurts, so it's totally in your favor to root all of it out of your life.
MT 15:11 What goes into a man's mouth does not make him `unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him`unclean.' "
   Using profanity makes us defiled (spiritually dirty) which other people around us can sense, and it is contagious. Usually if we use profanity, those around us will start using it. Plus it really lowers people's respect for us. Not using profanity may seem a bit lame, but it demonstrates self-control, maturity, and a submission to God that most people will respect.
EPH 5:4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving.
   Profanity will always come out of our mouth if it lives in our head. One time I played Jesus in a large production and when I got a coke out a fridge a large pie splatted on the floor and the "F" word blurted out of my mouth. The head of the production was standing right behind me and he was looking for the "Jesus character" (me) so that they could all pray for me.
ISA 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
   Below is a short list of things that you can do to help you to stop using profanity, along with a prayer to pray so that you can break its power over you and remain free of it. Use this prayer and the scriptures dispersed in this lesson as a weapon against profanity and in time your mouth will speak only what you want it to. Trust in God to be in total control of your life.
1. Get off of all drugs that can agitate and aggravate your nervous system. This may include even caffeine if it is causing tension and negative emotions. Having drugs in your system can decrease your self-control and make you more irritable, so get them out of your body.
2. Use replacement words in your mind and it will eventually transfer to your mouth. You must stop swearing in your mind before you can stop with your mouth, so start by using words like shoot, crap, God bless it, or whatever other replacement words you can think of.
3. Renounce, repent, and ask for forgiveness for all past profanity and bind up any evil spirits of profanity to strip them of their power over you. The only way to get demons of profanity to stop landing on your life is to take away their runway of authority. There is a prayer below.
4. Pray when you get mad instead of verbally punishing things yourself. Most profanity is caused by us not trusting in God to bring justice into our problems, so we must learn to trust Him when something goes wrong or when someone mistreats us. God will defend us.
5. Use scriptures to help you to stop swearing, because you will be judged by them. When you are aware that you will have to give an account later on for misusing God's name it can really help you to stop doing it. All profanity leads to taking God's name in vain eventually.
MT 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
   Just remember that if you really mean business with God and want to stop using profanity that He will be faithful to help you. God will do everything you cannot. Also, you may want to print this lesson out and write the scriptures down so that you can memorize them. So pray and invite Jesus into your profanity problem and He will actually help you if you trust Him to.
Below is a prayer to pray if you need it.
"Dear God, I just renounce and repent of using any form of profanity or vile speech, and I ask that you would forgive me for every time I have ever done it. I just bind up any and all evil spirits of profanity, cursing, swearing, or coarse speech, and I ask that you would help me to change how I think, speak, and act from now on. In Jesus precious name I pray, amen".
   Feel free to repeat the above prayer every time that you have a slip and you will become more aware of what you are saying before you say it next time.
COL 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.