Spirit-Led Recovery From Addiction

Being Emotionally Hungry
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Being Emotionally Hungry

Because of chemical imbalances and past unhealed emotional pain we live in a constant state of craving and emotional hunger. We use anything that contains any physical, mental, or spiritual pleasure in it as an emotional band-aid and fix, but it just ends up making the wound and need deeper and more painful each time we do it.

When we abuse drugs, overeat, view porn, practice sexual perversion, cut ourselves, gamble, overspend, or even practice perfectionism, we are trying to fill that emotional need inside us, but the guilt and shame that we feel from doing it just creates even more hunger, so what we need to do is to allow God to be what we really need.

I would encourage you today to ask God to help you to be healed from all your old unhealed emotional pain and any chemical imbalances, and to help you to fill your emotional and spiritual needs through Him. All our pleasure binging will just end up hurting us more than it helps, so allow the Lord to heal you and to be what you need.

JN 6:35 Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.