A Tip To Overcome Lust and Porn
One thing that happens if you have been feeding your mind on porn is that you become lustful and because of that
you will have a hard time looking at anyone without lusting after them. You see, we have trained ourselves to constantly scan
our environment and look for a sexual pleasure fix (a lie), so we need to retrain our mind to look at things differently in
order to overcome our sexual addictions. We have spent years feeding our minds on lies, and now we must feed it on truth in
order to fix it.
Your mind controls your body so it must change in order to change your behavior. One thing that helped me a lot
was that God helped me to see things in the context of how He created things to work, and that He designed the persons body
that I was lusting after. In other words, if I looked at a woman's body in a porn picture I would now see it as something
that my Father designed, rather than just a sexual fix. Lust always involves a perversion of original design, so we must accept
truth to get free.
I also had to face the truth that sex was created by God as nothing more than something that was designed for a
married couple to enjoy physically, build intimacy, and have children (the truth). Looking at it as anything more or different
is error according to it's original design and should be rejected as such. The only woman I was ever intended to see naked
was my wife and that's it. I was not designed to look at thousands of women naked whether on a computer screen, or in my mind.
When you retrain your mind to think truth and reject lies, only then can we start to get free. Most of us use our
minds as a pleasure playground where we lay in bed at night and fantasize until we become so lust-filled we must relieve it.
Feeding lust just a little creates more lust and before you know it you have fallen again. I just want to encourage you today
to give yourself permission to walk in the truth and take control of lust's power over you. You deserve to live free and to
have your needs met the right way, not the wrong way. If you retrain the lies in your mind with truth, lust will die off.
JN 8:32
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."