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Overeating and eating disorders
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Overeating and Eating Disorders

Although these problems can be grouped together somewhat, there are some basic differences in the motivations behind the practice of each food related addiction. Usually, someone that overeats is using food as a source of pleasure and comfort to alleviate unhealed emotional pain. But sometimes people also overeat to feel a sense of self-protection over their lives (like after they have been sexually assaulted, divorced, etc.). They do this not only to feel secure again, but also to alleviate depression, and lastly, to protect themselves from any further harm or rejection by kind of "uglifying" themselves, and thus making themselves a poor target for any abuser in the future. Whereas people that practice eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia, tend to want to feel a sense of control over their bodies and lives because they grew up in a controlling, critical, out of control environment, where nothing was ever good enough for the controlling, critical parent(s). Overeating, and eating disorders are born mainly out of unhealed emotional pain, a desire to be perfect (without fault to be valued, and to avoid criticism), and/or a sense of low self worth due to past rejection, perceived failure, or abuse. So I will deal with each problem separately so as not to generalize too much, and to cover each problem more completely.

Overeating- (Definition self-explanatory) Lack of exercises and overeating can become an easy problem to get into in this computerized, media-driven, world that keeps us fairly tied up with non-physical activity. Plus some of the best foods we like, are the highest in fats and sugars, so add those two factors together with a lot of unhealed emotional pain, and you have a recipe for obesity and major depression. I remember one time when I had a routine physical checkup, and as the doctor was writing down his findings he said "obese". I couldn't believe that he would call me obese, but as I looked down at the rolls of fat around my waist, I couldn't deny it. I was overweight. The Lord then began to speak to me about my eating habits, and what I was eating for. Was I eating to live, or living to eat? Well, I would say both probably. But I also knew that I ate for pleasure and comfort a lot. You see many Christians may stop smoking, drinking, or using drugs, but food is the "legal addiction" that seems to be the only thing left to look forward to. Especially if you are still carrying a lot of unhealed emotional pain and have no other sources of sensual pleasure to feed yourself with anymore. Food can also be a "compensator"; something you run to after you have been hurt, disappointed, or rejected. We learn to feed ourselves with pleasure to compensate for our pain (new or old). It is a strange reward system we live by.

Obviously, the answer to overeating seems to be just eating healthy, limiting your portions, and exercising, but it actually goes much deeper than that. You have to face your buried unhealed pain from the past to stop needing the pain reliever (food). Otherwise, if you don't, even after you do lose a lot of weight, you will run right back to food after a fresh trauma or episode of boredom, and feel even more defeated than before. You see, God wants and needs to take you back to what originally caused the wounds in your heart, to effectively heal the symptoms of overeating. He wants to take you back to that initial abuse that scarred you, to that divorce; sexual, verbal, or physical abuse; mistreatment, or rejection by your parents or others that made you feel sad and unworthful. Many people who have been molested as a child, use food as a tool to feel secure, protected, and in control of their lives again. All it takes, is just one wounding critical comment by a parent, sibling, or friend, a parent's addiction, or constant family strife and arguing, to send a defenseless child running after some kind of emotional pain reliever. You must willing to be brave and allow God to take you back to that original pain that damaged you. God will be the Master Surgeon who will gently and carefully remove that original cancer that has poisoned your soul, so that you can heal and let go of the pleasure/comfort idol of food.

Eating Disorders- Most people are familiar with the eating disorders of anorexia and bulimia because more and more well known people in the media are confessing that they have those problems and are willing to talk about it now. We have seen a rash recently of "too thin" celebrities and we all remember Karen Carpenter who died from anorexia. We are now waking up to the fact that this is a serious problem with possibly deadly consequences, and that it can happen to anyone. At the root of eating disorders is a lie that sais, I am unworthful and I will only be worthful if I look a certain way, and weigh a certain weight. The only problem is, perfection never comes, and they always end up feeling like they still need to drop their weight down to an even lower level. It is about worth and a need to feel in control in an out of control environment. Perhaps a parent, sibling, or spouse made a comment once like "You are getting fat", or you saw someone fawn all over your "thin" sister or friend in comparison to you. Not to mention that the media has pushed and portrayed a ridiculously incorrect body image of what a person should look like or weigh. There are even "Ana" and Mia" sites for young girls to log onto where they promote anorexia and bulimia as beneficial life choice. So, our vision is pelted day and night with either junk food commercials or emaciated women with a European accent peddling some new beauty treatment or miracle fad diet.

The truth is, God created our bodies to use food as fuel, and He also graciously gave us a wide variety of food choices for our enjoyment. God created our bodies to need regular exercise to burn off the excess fuel we are taking in. Many of us though, are grossly out of balance in this area, and are trying to manage the areas of weight and fitness without His help. But you see, God sees us as a work in progress and He doesn't want anything from you but your faith and trust in Him to step in and help you to manage your health and diet. If you have ever had a massive binge and purge, or you were caught in the bathroom throwing up, then you know deep down that this behavior is taking you down a dangerous road and must stop. Not to mention the toll it takes on your teeth and organs to starve yourself, repeatedly throw up your food, and/or take diuretics and then having constant diarrhea. If you are sick and tired of letting these unhealthy habits run and ruin your life then there is a way out, the Lord will take your hand right now and lead you out if you want out.

So, if you are now ready to leave your prison of overeating and eating disorders, and let God help you to manage your life and body care, then pray and ask Him to help you. You cannot beat this problem alone, you've tried to over and over and look where it has gotten you. He has seen every ugly episode of bingeing and purging that you have gone through, so you won't shock him. Just like you care about your kids, God cares 1000 times more about what happens to you.

Here is a prayer to pray if you need it.

"Lord God, I confess to you this day that I have not taken proper care of my body or my diet, and I need your help to live healthy in these areas of my life. I ask your forgiveness Lord for abusing my body by practicing these harmful habits; I also ask that you would heal whatever damage I may have caused to my body from this harmful behavior. God I ask that you would heal me from all the pain of my past and help me to turn to you, and not to food for my comfort and protection. Right now, I just give up complete control of my diet and exercise to you Holy Spirit, and I ask that you would speak to me concerning this problem, how it got there, and tell me what changes I need to make to get fully free from this terrible addiction. I want to live for you Lord, thank you for helping now. In Jesus name I pray amen."

RO 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

