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Throwing a F.I.T.
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Throwing a "F.I.T."

Using any profanity, abusive speech, cursing, swearing, or coarse language in our daily conversation is a problem for anyone because it shows everyone around us that we are the following things:

F- Fleshly, carnal, and that we tend to do what suits us best when we get into a jam, rather than considering how our language will affect us, or those around us.

I - Immature because mature people don't need to resort to manipulating or intimidating others around them by using punishing or revengeful speech.

T- Trust in God to protect us from harm is very low because people that do trust God to protect them do not need to protect themselves by verbally controlling others.

So in essence when we use profanity we throw a "F.I.T." so to speak, and anyone around us will tend to think these things above about us. It doesn't matter whether we are a Christian or not, nobody likes to listen to or be around harsh, coarse, or abusive speech. Plus when we even swear in our head it will eventually come out of our mouth at some of the worst times, so it is best to stop giving ourselves permission to use profanity in any situation, even if it is just in our mind. As well, we will lose all of our authority in any argument if it is being mixed with foul speech. It ruins our credibility.

MT 15:10 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, "Listen and understand. 11 What goes into a man's mouth does not make him `unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him`unclean.' "

The reason that they call profanity dirty language is that is what it does to our soul and to the souls around us is it "dirties" them. So if we want people to trust us and to see us as mature adults the best thing we can do is to cease using all foul language. Using abusive speech may make us feel better, but it defiles and contaminates our spirits and ruins our witness around anyone who hears it, and satan will always make sure there is someone standing by listening to us when we throw a fit. God will help us to clean up our language if we really ask Him to, so I have included a prayer below:

"Dear God, you have heard all the profanity, cursing, and swearing that I have done and I ask that you would forgive me for all of it right now. I ask that you would help me to weed out anything from my speech that is offensive or that dirties anyone who hears it. Thank you for helping me to clean up my foul speech and to begin to speak only that which helps and builds up others. In Jesus name I ask and pray, amen."

COL 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

1PE 3:10 For, "Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech.