Spirit-Led Recovery From Addiction

The truth kills the lie, and the lie kills the truth
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The truth kills the lie, and the lie kills the truth

JN 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

The way that you overcome an addiction (the lie) is with the truth (God's word). As long as you practice your addiction you will effectively be killing the truth because the lie gains strength and power over you and it crowds out the truth about what that addiction is really doing to you. But conversely, when you starve out the lie by not practicing that addiction anymore and walk in the truth, then the truth can begin to gain strength over you and it will shine light on the deception that lie has been working in your life. The truth and the lie are always at war within you and you alone must choose which one will rule in in your heart, mind, and life.

JN 8:11b "Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."

When I used to practice addictions I thought I could never live without them (the lie had full power over me), but when I quit that addiction and was away from it for a while I was then able to see the truth more clearly that I really didn't need or want that addiction in my life anymore like I use to think I did. When Jesus used to help people to get delivered from evil spirits or when He rescued them like the woman caught in adultery in the above scripture He didn't tell them to go get counseling, He told them to stop practicing that sin that got them into trouble so much in the first place. He did this because He knew that to stop practicing that sin would give them the best chance of recovering from it.

JN 17:17 Sanctify (purify) them by the truth; your word is truth.

You may have noticed that when you go back to an addiction after being away from it for a while that it starts the craving up again for that addiction. You will never get free from an addiction if you are still playing with it, it is always best to cut it off completely and just walk away. Also, when you fully quit an addiction any evil spirits that were pushing you to do it will lose their legal rights over you and they will have to leave you alone. Feed the truth about how your addiction is destroying your life and starve the lie that tells you that you must have it to feel safe and happy. Addiction is a lie in itself because it tells you that it is making your life better, when in fact it always makes your life worse. Allow the truth to kill the lie by stopping all practice of your addiction, and give yourself permission to let it go and to move on. So starve the lie, feed the truth, and you will get free from that addiction for good this time my friend.