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Temporary Insanity
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Temporary Insanity

Remember that after you quit an addiction (especially if it some form of drug), that you will go through a period of slow withdrawal that can leave you very unbalanced and not necessarily in your right mind for a while. The chemical balance of your body will be radically thrown off and the normal level of endorphins (pleasure proteins) that your brain is producing will be temporarily reduced. During this time everything will be screaming at you to go back to your old addiction, but if you give it enough time you will leave this tough stage and not want anything to do with your old addiction again. You will have to tell yourself the truth though, that your body and mind are in a state of imbalance and that you need to just tough it out and things will eventually get better.

Another thing that is common after people quit their addictions is that they tend to become defensive, oversensitive, agitated, aggressive, adversarial, and melancholy for a short while. It is a time where peoples bodies and minds are all out of whack, and their fears and evil spirits may be tormenting them because they feel very defenseless and vulnerable without their old familiar addictions. This craziness will also pass in time and you just need to keep reminding yourself that you are in a state of temporary chemical, mental, physical, and spiritual turmoil and to slow down and to just take it easy. It can be easy to overreact to what people do and say during this period so just understand that you are not firing on all cylinders right now, and to avoid conflict or making big decisions during this time. This tough time will pass eventually.

I remember when I used to smoke and drink and the idea of living without them seemed almost unthinkable; but in time (after about a year) I couldn't stand to be around them anymore and you couldn't have paid me to start again. So what made the big difference? Well my body had time to re-balance itself, my mind realized that it no longer needed those things to get through a day, and the spirits that were pushing me to do it lost their authority and scrammed. The same thing happened when I quit the other things. I want to encourage you today that if you are going through your "crazy stage" right now, to just hang on and grit it out and in time you will never want to go back to your destructive habits ever again. God will help you through the rough spots so trust in Him to give you the strength that you need when you are weak.

1CO 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

PHP 4:13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

1PE 3:13 Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened."