Spirit-Led Recovery From Addiction

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Definition of security: 1 : the quality or state of being secure: as a : freedom from danger : b : freedom from fear or anxiety

Because most of us as addicted people have believed a lie that we are unsafe naturally we do things and collect things that give us a false sense of security. We do not trust anyone or anything except that which comforts and pleasures us because we think pleasure alone protects us from pain. We collect things that we don't need, we isolate in our homes because we are slaves to fear, we run up credit cards buying things just to make us feel in control, we keep our own private pleasure stashes all because we think we need them to feel safe and secure in order to face life again.

Of course none of these things actually protect us, they just give us the "illusion" that we are more secure, and actually these very protection idols create threats for us because people eventually catch us and they bring in outside control which we believe is even more threatening, thus confirming our fears. So why is this such a big deal? Well for one thing, we need to see this as the lie that it is in order to let go of these things as addictions. How are you going to let go of your addiction if you think it protects you from your pain? Most people freak out and just relapse out of fear alone.

You see, when you understand why you do something and that it is based on a lie, it will be much easier to let it go and face life naturally again. When you understand that you are overspending just in order to feel safe, then you will see the immaturity and falseness behind it and finally become willing to let it go. When you see that porn will just dirty your soul, ruin your relationships, and potentially take away everything good in your life, then you will no longer embrace it as your supreme pain protector. When you see that drugs just weaken you and create threats you will reject them.

Allow God to show you where your true security is found and be willing to let go of your false security idols today. Why be a slave to lies and fear anymore? You deserve better than that. When we are afraid we need to learn to run to God rather than to an addiction. God will help us, but addiction will just get us into more trouble and actually create the very threats we are trying to protect ourselves from. It is time to allow God to set you free from your fears by facing them with His truth and trusting in Him to protect you. It is time for us to stop being control freaks, and to give God full control.

JN 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

2TH 3:3 But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.

2CO 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.