Spirit-Led Recovery From Addiction

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Prophetically Speaking

LK 21:34 "Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap.

I wanted to talk a little bit about what is happening in the earth and how it may apply to you right now. I don't believe in scaring anyone into heaven so to speak, but I do believe that we need to understand the truth about what God may be doing in the world right now. If you are a Christian then you may have wondered why there has been more of an urgency to deal with your addiction problems than normal right now. It is likely because we are drawing closer to the return of Jesus Christ to the earth, and because there is about to be a great harvest of souls in the earth and God wants to use you to help other people find His help and healing.

You will likely continue to see more and more natural disasters, epidemics, and economic downturn in the world, which will cause many people to turn to addiction to numb their fears. Conversely, you will see many Christians become empowered with the gifts of healing and casting out of evil spirits, and they will have an abundance of finances and resources to help other people with. These "birth pangs" of trouble in the earth will continue to increase in their intensity and frequency so more and more people will try to escape their emotional pain and fear through addiction. Your job will be to allow the Lord to not only help you to get free and healed right now, but to also go and to help many others to get set free from their addiction problems.

This may be the most dangerous time in history to be living in addiction, but it is also the best time in history to receive God's help to get free from it. I would encourage you today to cooperate fully with His work of inner-healing and deliverance from your addiction habits. This world is going to continue to get more and more terrified over what they see happening in the earth, and God wants to use you to give them the hope and help that they need to prepare for His soon return. This is your day to get free from all that has been hurting you and keeping you from going forward, and it doesn't matter how long you have had you addiction, God is capable of doing whatever is necessary to help you to get free. Do not be afraid, God will set you free.

LK 21:28 When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.