MT 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has
enough trouble of its own.
I just want to encourage you today that you do not need to be responsible for every need that comes
your way from people. Many times when we quit our addictions it is interpreted in our minds as being defenseless, so we then
begin to micro-manage our environment and control it in order to protect ourselves. This may be nice for others to a point
because we are willing to meet every need and quell every conflict, but for the recovering it leads to relapse.
This problem includes ministry and family care, so be willing to pull back and let others carry their
own loads, solve their own problems, and clean up their own messes, because if you don't learn to say no, then you will quickly
overload yourself and start wanting your old pain relievers back. This might start subconsciously, but sooner or later you
will relapse if you keep trying to control everything around you. Allow God to control things around you.
You might say, "Well if I don't meet the needs, then who will?" Well, maybe nobody; but how many needs
will you be able to meet if you relapse? The answer is few or none. Ask yourself when you are helping someone whether you
are doing it to actually help them, or whether you are just trying to keep things peaceful in order to protect yourself. This
is your day to get free from codependence and avoid overload, so learn to say no in order to survive.
PHP 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.