Spirit-Led Recovery From Addiction

Overcoming Rejection
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Overcoming Rejection

When we have practiced an addiction we hurt alot of people, especially ourselves, and because of this, people that we love can reject or judge us unfairly. In order to recover, you will have to learn to forgive and accept yourself again. People may be angry or rejecting toward you right now, but how you handle it can make or break you. You may also feel, that no matter what you do, you will always be judged as a failure, and be thought of as a loser, but this just isn't true. In time, "this too shall pass", and you will get your feet back on solid ground again. We are all a work in progress, and failure can the bridge to success if you don't give up.

Rejection can sting especially bad, if you already have a poor self image, if you are carrying alot of shame around inside you because of failures of the past, or if you have not forgiven yourself for past sin and mistakes. When someone criticizes, or cuts you off in the relationship, it can feel like they are confirming all the "bad" you already believe about yourself, and are trying to keep buried. This can lead to angry, revengeful behavior, that causes you to become abusive, fearful, insecure, obsessive, bitter, and resentful. You might think, what's the use, they all think I'm a loser, so I might as well just give up and go back to my addiction.

The bible sais that Jesus was despised and rejected by men, and that He was a man acquainted with sorrows and grief. God knows the deep searing pain of being rejected unfairly, and yet God does not reject or retaliate in return. God knows how to comfort the brokenhearted, and it can be at some of your lowest points that you seek Him out and find Him the most. God knows everything about everyone, and we must receive God's love for others and ourselves, to handle self-rejection, and rejection by others.

If God has shut the door on one of your relationships, try to just leave it in Gods hands, rather than banging on the door, or slipping notes under it. I know this is hard because you may feel compelled to try to justify yourself, and God may not allow you to do it. God will break us of our fear of man, and need for approval by everyone, and He does this by allowing you to be clearly misunderstood, and forced to trust God with it, rather than manipulating, controlling, condemning, or serving your way back into their good graces.

God just wants you to accept "you" with all of your mistakes and faults, with everyone disapproving of you, with people gossiping about you, or people being unforgiving toward you. You are a fallible human, but you are a work in progress, you are not perfect and that is ok. He doesn't want what other people do, or don't do, to control what you do, or don't do. He wants you to trust Him, even if all seem to forsake you. Job went through this process, and in the end he was greatly blessed, and had a much deeper faith.