Spirit-Led Recovery From Addiction

Ministry Tips For Christian Recovery Workers
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Ministry Tips For Christian Recovery Workers

COL 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,

Someone recently asked me for some tips for ministering to addicted people, so this is what I gave them. I hope you can get something from them as well.

1. Ask God to fill you with fresh loves every day for the people you minister to, otherwise you may want to strangle them.

2. Be led by the Holy Spirit in how you interact with them, most addicted people see other people as a possible means to get more drugs.

3. Give people only what God gives you to give them and nothing more, and do not give recovering people money, ever.

4. Ask God for His power to touch these people and set them free, they are more used to the spirit realm than most people think.

5. If someone refuses to repent then let them go like the prodigal son's father did, when they are truly ready to change receive them back only then.

6. Don't believe most of what you hear from an addicted person because it will either be a well rehearsed sob story, or a lie. Believe only God.

7. Many addicted people have also collected a lot of evil spirits along the way, so if you do deliverance be led by the Spirit, and be private.