Spirit-Led Recovery From Addiction

Learning to Trust Again
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Learning to Trust Again

JN 19:11 Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin."

If you have ever been traumatized at the hands of someone else's abusive control as a child, then it may be very difficult to trust in someone else's control to help you to recover from addiction as an adult. This may include trusting in God as well. Usually we are willing to cooperate with someone else's direction as long as it agrees with our own choices and preferences, and as long as it is comfortable for us, but as soon as that direction differs from our own will and gets uncomfortable for us we may rebel and actually sabotage our own recovery because all of our fear buttons are getting pushed.

I used to work for someone that seemed like he was always making selfish and careless decisions just like my mother used to do, and I noticed it tended to make me want to dig my heels in and to resist his leadership because it always made me feel very insecure and unsafe to let him lead. Then one day as I was working and getting unfair responsibilities dumped on me the Lord told me, "I know you do not trust in so and so's leadership, but can you trust in My leadership through him?" I then realized that even if I couldn't trust in someones leadership, I could trust in God through them.

Usually what happens is that after we experience what we view as abusive control from outside leadership we make a vow in our heart that we alone will be in control of our life once we can be. The problem is that we will usually need some kind of outside help in order to recover because if we could do it by ourself, then we probably would have by now. I would just like to encourage you today that even if your trust has been damaged in the past to allow God to take control anyway and you will see that He can be trusted. Although His ways may be uncomfortable at times, His ways always work.

Here is a prayer to pray if you need it:

"Dear God, I just forgive anyone and everyone from my past for any poor leadership or abusive control, and I now renounce the vow that I made in my heart to not let anyone else be in control of my life but me. I just give you complete control right now God and also to anyone else that you place into my life to help me to recover. I know now that you will place limits on what someone can or cannot do in my life. I make a new vow this day to trust in you and also to trust in your perfect leadership and control through anyone whom you designate to help me. I thank you for healing me from all old fears and for helping me to forgive and to trust again. In Jesus name I pray, amen".

PR 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.