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Hearing God's Voice
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Hearing God's Voice

I remember when my Christian aunt from Missouri came up to visit us in Seattle, and she would try to witness to me and tell me about this "Jesus". I obviously wasn't a Christian yet, and when she talked, it sounded like she had just chatted with God over a Big Mac at McDonald's. I thought she was either crazy, or very irreverent for talking like that about God. To me, if there was a God, He was probably very far away, and I seriously doubted that He had time to listen to our small talk, or petty problems.

After I did get saved and experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I did begin to hear God faintly, and in more of an impression inside me of how He felt about something. I guess you could call it His "still small voice". I had always longed to talk to God, just like we talk to each other, but I thought He must not want to talk to me, because I was either too sinful, or I just couldn't hear Him very clearly or loudly, so He must be silent. I found out later on that God is talking all the time, and very much wants to communicate with us.

The question is, why do we have such a hard time hearing Him speak? We need to learn to listen in such a way that we learn to distinguish His voice from others. There are several sources that we hear things inside our spirit from. It can either be us and our mind, it can be an evil spirit, it can be an angel, it can be another humans spirit, or it can be God's Spirit. In time, with the more you listen when you pray, the more you will begin to distinguish who's voice is who's. God wants to communicate with you more than you know.

God's voice is always positive and peaceful, even if He's correcting us. Satan’s and demons voices, are always negative and non-peaceful, they are either tempting you to sin, or trying to make you feel negative in some way, or pressuring you to act rashly, rather than waiting on God. A humans spirit can transfer thoughts and emotions but this will usually only happen with someone you are spiritually tied to like your spouse, friends, or family. God forbids witchcraft, which is using your spirit, or an evil spirit illegally to communicate with or influence another human. Our main focus in spiritual communication should be with God alone.

The spiritual realm is difficult to compare something to, but it is kind of like the Internet with lots of traffic, and you can choose what you want to log onto with your words, prayers, and thoughts. When you log onto God's web site so to speak enough times, you learn what that place is like just like you would become familiar with a favorite web site you go to a lot on the Internet. So if something else is trying to hack into you, you know that it's not God, because you are familiar with His realm and voice. Jesus said, "My sheep know My voice", and the more you listen with your spirit when you pray, the better you recognize it. God can also turn up the volume if need be.

The next time you pray, ask God to help you to hear His voice better and verbally bind up any spirits other than Gods from communicating with you. Yield your spirit and shut down your brain. It's kind of like back floating with your soul. God also speaks in different ways, so ask Him to show you how to specifically understand how He talks to you. He communicates with me a lot in picture form, kind of like trying to make a sentence with pictures alone, like metaphors. I have heard Him speak audibly once, and it really startled me. But most of the time I just wait before Him and just listen. Worshiping can help enhance your hearing as well.

Most of our communication in the world is pretty easy, we turn the TV on, or the radio, or computer, and there really isn't much effort involved. With God, you have to be willing to put some effort into it because it is a totally different form of communication than our five senses. You are using your spirit sense, which takes a little getting used to, but it is not hard once you get used to it. We must learn to listen with our spiritual ears. Just don't give up, He will help you. Know this day, right now, God is waiting to talk to you. Yep, right this second. So go, enjoy, and know that He has such good things to say to you. You will find that He thinks more highly of you than you do of yourself. Remember that He is listening to you very carefully, and He speaks plain English, you need not talk to Him like He's the Pope. He loves you, and waits to talk with you.